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Update Log...

7 MAY 24
Changes to 60Hz microwave page.
11 MAY 22
Sharp price increase.
5 OCT 21
Samsung range updated.
4 OCT 21
Winia price increase.
25 AUG 21
Maestrowave price increase.
13 JUN 21
6% surcharge added to Sharp prices.
4 APR 21
Menumaster RFS518TS price increase.
28 JAN 21
Major update of site completed including price updates and new models.
25 JAN 21
Menumaster prices, models and images updated.
27 AUG 19
Major update of site completed including price updates and new models.
12 JAN 19
Panasonic NEC1275 warranty reduced to 2 years.
12 JAN 19
Samsung and Buffalo prices increased.
29 MAY 18
Buffalo prices cut.
11 APR 18
Samsung and Buffalo prices increased.
16 FEB 18
Panasonic SCV-2 added.
7 OCT 17
Maestrowave MW10 added to offer page.
8 MAY 17
Sharp R22AT price increased by £10.
9 MAR 17
Maestrowave MW10 added.
11 JUL 16
Price adjustments to Menumaster Range.
11 NOV 15
Menumaster JET514U added.
3 NOV 15
Menumaster prices adjusted.
10 SEP 15
Merrychef prices adjusted.
20 APR 15
Sharp R24AT price reduced.
16 APR 15
Panasonic NE1456 discontinued.
16 APR 15
Panasonic list prices increased... Ripples prices held or reduced.
10 MAR 15
1100w machine added to Daewoo 60Hz microwave oven range.
6 MAR 15
Daewoo microwave prices reduced.
4 MAR 15
Buffalo microwave range updated.
21 OCT 14
Panasonic prices adjusted.
21 OCT 14
Panasonic NE1846 replaced by NE1843.
21 OCT 14
Panasonic NE1856 replaced by NE1853.
20 OCT 14
Maestrowave offer closed.
1 JUL 14
Maestrowave MW1200 added to offer page.
16 MAY 14
Panasonic NE1540 discontinued.
19 FEB 14
Menumaster and Amana prices adjusted. (Some up, some down!)
2 FEB 14
Maestrowave prices increased.
30 DEC 13
Panasonic offer closed.
3 DEC 13
Panasonic NE1856 added to offer page.
15 OCT 13
Combi-Chef 7 replaces Combi-Chef 6.
30 SEP 13
Samsung offer closed.
8 AUG 13
Price adjustments to Sharp range.
13 JUL 13
Samsung Offer added.
12 JUL 13
Samsung CM1069 and CM1079 replaced with CM1089 and CM1099.
22 JUN 13
Link page removed.
22 JUN 13
Menumaster RCS511DS updated.
22 MAY 13
Sanyo microwave ovens no longer available.
23 MAR 13
Price adjustments to Menumaster range.
29 JAN 13
3 year warranty option added to Menumaster combi range.
28 JAN 13
Price adjustments to Menumaster range.
28 JAN 13
MRC models removed from Menumaster range.
26 DEC 12
Maestrowave MW1200 price increase.
30 AUG 12
Maestrowave MW1200 added.
19 AUG 12
60Hz Microwaves added.
18 AUG 12
Daewoo range added.
17 AUG 12
Eikon range added.
17 AUG 12
Merrychef range added.
14 AUG 12
Sanyo prices slashed.
6 AUG 12
Maestrowave Combi 6 price increased.
24 JUL 12
Panasonic prices slashed.
17 JUL 12
Sanyo range reduced in size.
12 JUL 12
Maestrowave Combi 4 and Combi 5+ discontinued.
25 JUN 12
Football Offer suspended.
14 JUN 12
FREE Euro 2012 Football Offer added.
21 MAY 12
Sharp prices adjusted.
9 MAY 12
Buffalo range added to site.
9 MAY 12
Burco CTMW01 price reduced.
25 APR 12
Menumaster prices adjusted.
25 APR 12
Menumaster MXP5201 / MXP5203 replaced with MXP5221 / MXP5223.
21 APR 12
Samsung range updated.
16 APR 12
Sanyo EMC1100 price increased.
30 MAR 12
Sharp R22AMM discontinued.
18 JAN 12
Great Panasonic offer added.
29 NOV 11
Amana UCA2000NT discontinued.
22 NOV 11
Burco Microwave Ovens. added.
5 NOV 11
Minor Sharp price adjustments.
19 JUL 11
Menumaster RCS518TS replaced by RFS518TS.
1 JUL 11
Maestrowave range, prices increase.
11 MAY 11
Combi Chef 6 added to Maestrowave range.
07 MAY 11
Menumaster/Amana pages updated with new range.
10 JAN 11
Sanyo EMC2001 discontinued.
3 JAN 11
Christmas Offers removed.
3 JAN 11
All references to 17.5% VAT changed to 20%.
3 NOV 10
Cosmetic changes to Maestrowave Combi IV
3 NOV 10
Christmas Offers Added.
18 JUL 10
Amana LD510D and LD510P discontinued.
9 JUN 10
Samsung Offer added.
8 JUN 10
Slight adjustments to Sharp prices.
31 MAY 10
Amana and Menumaster prices increase.
15 APR 10
Samsung prices increase.
12 APR 10
Panasonic and Maestrowave prices increase.
26 MAR 10
Ripples moved to new server.
23 MAR 10
Whirlpool combi discontinued.
3 MAR 10
Samsung Offer extended until end of March.
1 MAR 10
February offers removed.
24 FEB 10
Panasonic NE9051 discontinued.
21 FEB 10
Maestrowave CombiV replaced with CombiV+.
1 FEB 10
Offers added.
24 NOV 09
Sharp R1900 price cut.
6 NOV 09
Sanyo EMS1000 replaced by EMS1001.
5 OCT 09
Sharp price increase on selected models.
22 JUL 09
Panasonic prices cut.
15 MAY 09
Offers added.
15 MAY 09
Price of Sanyo EMS1000 cut.
30 APR 09
Sharp price increase.
1 APR 09
Sharp R8000 discontinued.
1 APR 09
Sharp price adjustment. (Mostly downwards!)
31 MAR 09
Credit Crunch offers removed.
17 MAR 09
Some Sanyo and Whirlpool models added to Credit Crunch offers. - Must end 31st March.
17 MAR 09
Price cut made to Whirlpool AVM840 Combination Microwave Oven.
17 MAR 09
Price adjustments made to Sanyo range.
5 MAR 09
Further price cuts made to Credit Crunch offers. - Must end 31st March.
8 FEB 09
Price of Sanyo EMS1000 increased.
3 FEB 09
Credit Crunch offers added - Must end 31st March.
31 JAN 09
New R1900M compact microwave oven added to Sharp range.
30 JAN 09
January offers on Sharp and Samsung range removed.
24 JAN 09
Menumaster UDS30E removed.
24 JAN 09
Two new Amana Combination Microwave Ovens added.
21 JAN 09
Amana UCA2000NT discontinued.
21 JAN 09
Amana and Menumaster prices increased.
5 JAN 09
January Sharp offers added.
8 DEC 08
Over 12% slashed off all Samsung prices for the Christmas period.
6 DEC 08
CM1039 added to Samsung range.
5 DEC 08
All references to 17.5% VAT changed to 15%.
7 NOV 08
Menumaster UMLD510SE facelift.
7 NOV 08
Amana UALD510SE facelift.
4 NOV 08
NE1856-2 removed from Panasonic range.
4 NOV 08
R22AMM added to Sharp range.
4 NOV 08
Christmas offers added.
10 OCT 08
Summer offers ended.
1 AUG 08
Sanyo microwaves removed from offers page.
17 JUL 08
More great offers added.
26 JUN 08
Sanyo Summer offers added.
20 MAY 08
Sharp R8000GK price cut.
13 MAY 08
Menumaster DFS18E price cut.
13 MAY 08
Amana URFS518S price cut.
3 MAY 08
Knife block offer added.
6 APR 08
Menumaster range updated.
31 MAR 08
Mad March offers removed.
6 FEB 08
URS511MB and URS511P removed from Amana range. (Discontinued)
3 FEB 08
Mad March offers added.
19 JAN 08
Maestrowave prices cut.
18 JAN 08
Panasonic prices cut.
18 JAN 08
Sharp prices cut.
5 NOV 07
Christmas offers added.
5 NOV 07
Maestrowave Combi IV price increased.
4 AUG 07
July offer extended until end of August.
5 JUL 07
MORE New offers added.
4 JUL 07
New offers added.
28 JUN 07
Sharp prices SLASHED!
14 MAY 07
Sanyo EMC1900 added to offers page.
17 APR 07
Roadmate 12V and 24V microwave ovens discontinued.
5 APR 07
New offers added.
11 MAR 07
Privacy Policy updated.
11 FEB 07
Price rises to Panasonic range.
11 FEB 07
New compact model with shelf added to Panasonic range.
10 FEB 07
Panasonic NE2156 discontinued.
8 FEB 07
New offers added.
13 DEC 06
AWI Microwave added.
12 DEC 06
New Light Duty models added to Samsung range.
6 DEC 06
Sharp R8740 discontinued.
8 NOV 06
Privacy Policy added.
1 NOV 06
Great Festive Offers added.
29 SEP 06
Roadmate prices increase.
20 SEP 06
Sanyo EMC1900 added to offers page.
4 AUG 06
Great Panasonic offer added.
28 JUN 06
New UALD models added to Amana's range.
28 JUN 06
New 2100w model added to Menumaster's UC range.
28 JUN 06
New 2100w model added to Amana's UHDC range.
27 JUN 06
Prices of Menumaster and Amana ranges adjusted.
22 MAY 06
Merrychef and Mealstream range removed from order page. Details to follow.
10 MAY 06
New Sanyo Commercial Combination Microwave replaces old model.
2 MAR 06
Sharp's Mad March offers added.
2 MAR 06
£300 slashed off price of Merrychef's MD1800.
24 FEB 06
Prices changed to reflect Merrychef price rises.
7 FEB 06
Merrychef MD1800 added to offers page.
3 FEB 06
Great Panasonic offer added.
2 FEB 06
Price reduction on Samsung CM1049
16 JAN 06
New Sanyo images uploaded.
3 JAN 06
New Panasonic Commercial Microwave replaces old models.
31 DEC 05
New look revealed for 2006.
5 DEC 05
Blog created at
5 DEC 05
Induction Hobs removed from home page.
17 NOV 05
Christmas offers added.
28 OCT 05
Merrychef prices slashed.
28 OCT 05
Eikon prices slashed.
19 OCT 05
Evolution EC701 added to Mealstream range.
18 OCT 05
MD1800 added to Merrychef range.
18 OCT 05
1925 watt Turboaire added to Merrychef range.
12 SEP 05
Whirlpool AVM840 price reduced.
12 SEP 05
Further reductions to Sanyo prices.
12 SEP 05
Menumaster DEL10E price adjusted.
12 SEP 05
Amana LD510P price adjusted.
10 SEP 05
Sanyo EMS1000 added to offers page.
10 SEP 05
Sanyo prices slashed.
28 AUG 05
New Menumaster range added.
26 AUG 05
Offers page added.
23 AUG 05
Samsung prices slashed.
22 AUG 05
Sharp R8000GK price slashed.
22 AUG 05
Maestrowave Combi prices slashed.
22 AUG 05
Panasonic NE-C1558 discontinued. New model soon.
22 AUG 05
Panasonic prices slashed.
22 AUG 05
New Amana combination microwave range added.
21 AUG 05
New Amana range added.
3 MAY 05
Merrychef price rises reflected on specification pages.
18 APR 05
Price rises to Merrychef and Mealstream Microwave Ovens.
4 JAN 05
New 24V Microwave added to Roadmate page.
14 NOV 04
Maestro added to list of credit cards accepted, to replace Switch.
10 NOV 04
Links added to Useful Addresses Page.
15 OCT 04
New Combi-Chef V added to Maestrowave page.
14 OCT 04
Sanyo EMC1900 replaces EMC1800.
14 OCT 04
Sanyo EMC1900M replaces EMC1800M.
14 OCT 04
Sanyo EMS1000 replaces EMP1010.
11 OCT 04
New page added, for Sharp's new Combination Microwave Oven.
11 OCT 04
Sanyo EMPD9500 removed.
15 JUN 04
Changes to reflect no stock of 24V microwave ovens.
21 APR 04
Whirlpool warranty corrected.
21 APR 04
Mealstream warranties corrected.
17 MAR 04
Temporary page added, for Valera Range of Induction Hobs.
17 MAR 04
Update page added.